It is very neat to be able to post to my Weblog without using a web browser. Check out BloGTK. The spell checking is a big bonus too. XML-RPC APIs like this may indeed be the future.

Network Distributed Computing

I just finished reading a sample chapter of The Scope of Network Distributed Computing which I found at OSNews. I don’t want to get into the habit of posting links to articles that are linked from major news aggregation sites but this one is particularly good. This article does a great job of showing the relationships between some of the current Internet technologies. I found the discussion on meta-information particularly interesting.

Easy to what?

Is the term “Easy to use” in the computer user interface (UI) world overloaded? I am starting to think so. Before I go any further take note that the Unix shell is a UI. Graphical UIs (GUIs) are generally considered to be the easiest way to use a computer. But are they? Here is a list of command shell steps to change the email address that gets root’s email on a Fedora Core 2 system:

  • su to root.
  • cd /etc.
  • vim aliases
  • Search for root: (/ is the search key in vim)
  • $ to go to the end of the line.
  • bdw to delete the last word on the line (this is the email address or account name).
  • A to enter insert mode.
  • Type the email address, then press ESC
  • :wq to save the file and exit vim.
  • newaliases to update the aliases database.

That seems like a lot but I timed myself and I can easily accomplish all of these steps in under 30 seconds. What could be easier? I doubt this task could be accomplished in under 30 seconds with a GUI. If you are not fluent in the Unix shell you are probably getting quite angry at me right now. “But I don’t know those commands” you say. This is where the term “easy to use” breaks down. The average computer user is not looking for easy to use. They are looking for easy to discover. The normal computer user does not care if a task takes a little longer than the optimal way. All a normal computer user cares about is the ability to easily easily re-discover the steps necessary to accomplish the task the next time they need to do it. These users don’t want to learn the skills necessary to optimally control their computer. Instead of talking about computer UIs with the term “easy to use” I think it’s time we start talking about “easy to do” and “easy to discover”.


I just got back from the National Capital Race Weekend in Ottawa. Ran the half marathon (21.1 Km). Finished with a time of 2:16:08. This is the first time I have ran a marathon so I am pretty happy with that time. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. Pictures from the weekend are in the Photo album.

New Cozumel pictures

I finally got Moe’s pictures from the Cozumel trip online. That’s another ~150 pictures added to the Cozumel album. Now I just need to get Allison’s ~380 uploaded and that will be all of the Cozumel photos. Hmm…. I should probably put up the pictures from the Dominican trip in 2001 too.


Well, I have spent way more time than I should have playing with the CSS to make this site look the way I want. Hopefully it works in IE too. If you want to see an amazing example of just how much CSS can change a website without any XHTML changes check this out.


It’s odd. Having my life completely saturated with Internet technologies both in the ISP work and University I should have taken time to investigate CSS before now. Wow, this is pretty darn cool.


So I decided it was time I do something useful with my website and setup some blogging software. I must say that so far I am quite impressed with WordPress.