Too much coding…

You know you’ve been doing too much coding when Emacs key combinations start appearing in dreams. The other night I had a dream where every time something happened that I didn’t like I was able to hit CTRL-/ to undo it. Then the dream took a new fork().

I think I need a break;

Blog spam

The blog spammers have found me. I woke up to lots of comment approval requests this morning. Fortunately, due to Bob’s incident I had already turned on the comment approval feature. Since there is a link on his site back here I figured there was a good chance they would hit me soon.

It’s disgusting how these people will take advantage of others for their own gain.

Site search engines

Has anyone else noticed how bad the search features of most websites are? When trying to find the two RCU links in my last blog entry I first attempted to find them using the search features on the Linux Journal website. None of the returned results were what I wanted. So after trying a few queries I turned to Google. I did a search with “” appended to the same search terms I had tried with the Linux Journal search engine. Right there on the first page were links to both articles I was looking for.

Why do sites even bother having their own search?