Elephants Dream


Elephants Dream is a short movie that was created using only free software.  Even the models and textures produced for the movie have been made available.  It is being called the first open-source movie.

I had no idea that animation of this quality was possible with open-source tools.

There is even a full HD (1920×1080) MPEG4 version available if you happen to have the processing power required to decode it in real time.

RedHat summit videos

Red Hat has posted videos of the keynotes from the Red Hat summit in Nashville. So far, I have only watched two of the three videos. Both were excellent.

Eben Moglen: Discusses the philosophical and political ideas behind free software. He argues that free software is about allowing individual creativity. If you don’t ‘get’ free software you need to watch this speech.

Cory Doctorow: Provides a bit of history on copyright change and how the incumbent industries always try to stop progress. Lots of good DRM discussion as well.

There is no future in which bits will be harder to copy than they are today … Any business model that based on the idea that bits will be harder to copy is doomed. [Cory Doctorow (2006 RedHat summit in Nashville)]

I found both of these speeches to be inspiring. Free software is the start of a wider revolution. As Moglen says in his keynote (paraphrasing), it is an incredible privilege to live through a revolution.

A Broadband Utopia

A Broadband Utopia from IEEE Spectrum describes how a few municipalities in Utah joined together to build the high speed Internet infrastructure that for-profit telecommunication companies were not willing to. This article is definitely worth the somewhat long read. Several good points are made. The physical network duplication between the phone and cable companies is very expensive. The analogy given in the article is that this duplication is similar to every airline building its own airport instead of sharing the costs. I also find the argument that public Internet infrastructure opens up the market to new entrants very compelling. Competition is a good thing. Customers using the public network described in this article have their choice of companies offering TV, Internet, phone and other network services.

Fishburn says that the Utopia design makes it easy for every high school to have, in effect, its own TV station. “And not just the school,” he says. “Why not every high school student?”

Extra, Extra – Read All About It: Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are Broken

If you follow many software or computer science related blogs you may have already seen the article linked below. I’m going to link to it again anyway because everyone who is involved in software should read it.

Extra, Extra – Read All About It: Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are Broken

The general lesson that I take away from this bug is humility: It is hard to write even the smallest piece of code correctly, and our whole world runs on big, complex pieces of code.


CBC has recently made some of its excellent radio programming available as podcasts. You can see the list of podcasts here.

Of particular note is Dispatches. This program offers short radio documentaries from reporters all over the world. The perspectives offered in these documentaries form a sharp contrast with the simplistic reporting that usually constitutes news.

Operating system design

The following article offers a nice introduction to some design techniques that may be used to create more reliable operating systems.

Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that microkernels long discarded as unacceptable because of their lower performance compared with monolithic kernels might be making a comeback due to their potentially higher reliability, which many people now regard as more important than performance. The wheel of reincarnation has turned.

Can We Make Operating Systems Reliable and Secure? by Andrew S. Tanenbaum