Magazine titles and operating systems

I little while ago I was standing in front of the computer magazine section at my local Chapters when I noticed something interesting. There were three magazines with “Windows” in the title, three with “Mac” in the title, and four with “Linux” in the title. Of course this is hardly statistically significant in terms of the magazine industry as a whole but it does show how Linux is becoming much more mainstream.

End-to-end in standards and software

Two things. Both relate to Microsoft but that is just by coincidence.

The first

Apparently IE8 will allow the HTML author to specify the name and version number of the browser that the page was designed for. For example, the author can add a meta tag that says essentially “IE6”. IE8 will see this tag and switch to rendering pages like IE6 does. Apparently this came about because IE7 became more standards compliant thereby ‘breaking’ many pages, especially those on intranets which require the use of IE. The new browser version tag will allow MS to update the browser engine without breaking old pages. As a result they will be forced to maintain the old broken HTML rendering engine (or at least its behavior) for a very long time. This will consume development resources that could otherwise be put into improving IE. It will also increase the size, complexity and undoubtedly the number of bugs. As for the pages broken by newer more standards compliant browsers, what is their value? Any information in a corporate Intranet or otherwise that has value will be updated to retain its value. If no one bothers to update the page is was probably nearly worthless anyway. Also, most of the HTML pages now in use are generated by a templating system of some kind. It’s not like each and every page will have to be edited by hand.

The second

The Linux kernel development process is notorious for improving (breaking) the kernel’s internal driver APIs. This means that a driver written for version 2.6.x might not even compile against 2.6.x+1 let alone be binary compatible. This of course causes all kinds of trouble for companies not willing to open source their drivers. However, the advantages of this process are huge. It is completely normal that during the development process the author will learn a lot about how the particular problem can be solved. By allowing the internal APIs to change the Linux kernel development model allows the authors to apply this new found knowledge and not be slowed down by past mistakes. As I already mentioned this causes problems for binary only kernel drivers but if the product has value the manufacturer will update the driver to work with the new kernel release. If it doesn’t have value the driver it won’t get updated and the kernel doesn’t have to carry around the baggage of supporting the old inferior design. How does this relate to Microsoft? From Greg Kroah-Hartman:

Now Windows has also rewritten their USB stack at least 3 times, with Vista, it might be 4 times, I haven’t taken a look at it yet. But each time they did a rework, and added new functions and fixed up older ones, they had to keep the old api functions around, as they have taken the stance that they can not break backward compatibility due to their stable API viewpoint. They also don’t have access to the code in all of the different drivers, so they can’t fix them up. So now the Windows core has all 3 sets of API functions in it, as they can’t delete things. That means they maintain the old functions, and have to keep them in memory all the time, and it takes up engineering time to handle all of this extra complexity. That’s their business decision to do this, and that’s fine, but with Linux, we didn’t make that decision, and it helps us remain a lot smaller, more stable, and more secure.

So what was the point?

I don’t know what to make of these two little stories but the later has been bothering me for some time. Where does the responsibility for dealing with change belong? The Internet has taught us that we should push as much work as possible to the ends of the network. The alternative is rapidly growing complexity and inflexibility in the core. It seems to me that this applies to both of the situations I outlined here as well.

CBC’s Spark and Search Engine

CBC has been doing a fantastic job of making most of its programming available as podcasts. More recently, CBC has also upped their Internet cool factor by adding two excellent new shows: Spark and Search Engine.

Both of these shows cover the interaction of technology and the Internet with society in general. Topics range from intelligent and interesting discussion of the forthcoming Canadian copyright changes to the funeral of a main frame computer, and more recently the applicability of the publication ban laws in the presence of blogs and social networks sites such as Facebook.

What is really unique about Search Engine and Spark though is how far they go to integrate the show into the web; or maybe it’s the other way around. Both shows make extensive use of their websites for listener feedback and to look for new story ideas. If this doesn’t seem particularly novel take note of how much these shows try to integrate ‘blog culture’. Search Engine starts each episode with keywords like a blog post. All of the music used on Spark is Creative Commons licensed and linked from the show’s website. Most importantly both shows sound very personal. Almost like an audio version of a blog post at times.

On a final note, these are not geek shows. If you read blogs or publish your own or use Facebook regularly you are likely to get something out of each episode.

Social network privacy settings

From How to Lose Your Job on Your Own Time:

Personal disclosure is the norm on social networking sites. But the Pew study included an unexpected finding: Teenagers have the most sophisticated understanding of privacy controls on these sites, and they are far less likely than adults to permit their profiles to be visible to anyone and everyone.

If you are a teenager, restricting public access to your profile has the nice effect of restricting your parents access to your social network data. I suspect lots of teenagers have pictures from parties and other activities that they don’t want their parents to see. This makes me wonder how much the use of privacy controls by teenagers has to do with a desire for more privacy in a general sense versus hiding from mom and dad.

Teenagers are also much more under the control of other authority figures than most adults are. Teachers are a good example of this situation. It is dangerous to speak negatively about your teacher when there is no way to know that they are not following your online activities.

Monitoring how these same teenagers change their privacy settings as they mature and become more independent would be a very interesting study.

scponly, rsync and Fedora

A few years ago I wrote about the backup script that I use to do daily and weekly backups of my computers. Since this script must run unattended it makes use of a passphrase-less SSH key. The SSH key in question only exists on my main workstation and is used to login as a user which does not own any other files. While this isn’t a big security problem it would be nice to limit the privileges of this user. To this end I started using scponly some time ago. Scponly is a restricted shell which limits a logged in user to only executing a few commands such as scp, sftp and rsync. This small set of available programs greatly reduces the chances that the user will be able to find a local exploit. Scponly is already packaged for Fedora so installing it is simple.

yum install scponly

Setting an user’s shell to scponly is accomplished with the usermod command.

usermod -s /usr/bin/scponly backup

Like any shell, scponly must also be added to /etc/shells. Just add “/usr/bin/scponly” (without the quotes) to the end of this file.

As I mentioned when describing the backup script, the script works great except for large amounts of data such as media collections. Over time my photo collection has grown to over nine thousand images and now consumes more than eighteen gigabytes of disk space. So today I decided to cron up rsync to synchronize my photos to the same location where my backups are sent every night. Unlike my backup script, rsync will only send the changes to the remote server not the entire archive.

After much debugging I discovered that the most recently released version of scponly does not work with rsync. The thread where this problem was first discussed started in March 2006. More related posts can be found in subsequent months. Fortunately the scponly authors have fixed this bug in their CVS repository so I built a RPM for the CVS version.




This package successfully upgrades the scponly package provided by Fedora. Hopefully these RPMs are useful to someone.

Downloading source RPMs in Fedora

The main yum executable doesn’t have an option for downloading source RPMs. Fortunately, this task is made easy by yumdownloader which can be found in the yum-utils package.

yum install yum-utils
yumdownloader --source scponly

This will leave a copy of the scponly source RPM in the current directory.