
I’m surely not the first person to think this but spending time in Rome is at times both interesting and sad. It’s interesting when you look down from street level and realize you are far above what was once street level or see what looks like an ancient arena turned into an apartment complex. It’s sad when looking at the Palatine Hill, Colosseum or Circus Maximus and feeling the former greatness while wondering how it all fell apart.

Visiting Rome is lesson in the power of time.

Lady Christine

A couple weeks ago we noticed a big yacht called Lady Christine in the Port of Nice.

Small Lady Christine #1


Small Lady Christine #2


Small Lady Christine #3

About a week later her big sister with the same name arrived. Maybe this is an upgrade in progress?

Front of Lady Christine x 2

From of Lady Christine x 2 (from far)

Back of Lady Christine x 2

If you are interested I’ve linked to the details on both below. The smaller of the two is worth ~40M Euros (on sale from 45M).

Dan Siemon


Finished Republic Lost. Now need to learn more about Canadian campaign finance laws.