Category Archives: General
Seeing in the wifi and cellular spectrum
I’ve often wondered what the world would look like if we could see the wifi and cellular spectrum. Would laptops and cell phones be like flash lights and cell towers giant flood lights covering large areas and visible for miles? Imagine this ‘light’ going through buildings and illuminating the inside like the walls were made of glass.
It’s not exactly what I’ve imagined but checkout this cool video which gives a two dimensional view of wifi signal strength (original source).
Election RoboCalls
There is a controversy in Canada about RoboCall based vote suppression in the last federal election. Basically someone or group was providing bad information to voters to try to stop them from voting. It shouldn’t matter what party you support. This kind of thing should not be tolerated in any way. Below is one way to add your voice if you agree.
It is imperative that there is a full investigation into this behaviour as this is the only way to restore trust, both in the currently elected politicians and the system itself. The average citizen already has a low enough view of elections without adding another reason to believe that votes don’t matter and disengage.
One has to wonder how someone could be self righteous enough to put their own agenda and viewpoint above that of other citizens and the basic system we rely on to run our society.
Rick Mercer on the lawful access bill
I’m surely not the first person to think this but spending time in Rome is at times both interesting and sad. It’s interesting when you look down from street level and realize you are far above what was once street level or see what looks like an ancient arena turned into an apartment complex. It’s sad when looking at the Palatine Hill, Colosseum or Circus Maximus and feeling the former greatness while wondering how it all fell apart.
Visiting Rome is lesson in the power of time.
SOPA may be temporarily dead but here’s why it is a bad idea and will come back.